The Clubs Return!

Steven Yang ‘23

Clubs are essential to student life at St. Mark’s. Whether it’s political, academic, artistic, or just for fun, there are clubs for a variety of interests. And if they don’t exist now, it’s very simple to start one! Students can simply contact Ms. Kosow, the Director of Student Life, in order to found a club. There are few requirements for starting a club; just find a faculty advisor and fill out a short proposal!

Now a month into the school year, there are returning clubs as well as new ones that have started the year off strong. Club leaders were able to advertise their club as well as secure crucial sign-ups at the annual Club Fair in Taft Hall in early October. From Chess Club to SM Finance, leaders prepared posters and activities for the St. Mark’s community to learn about their club!

Club meetings got underway in mid-October as clubs like Students for Sustainability (S4S) and You Belong With Us (the Taylor Swift club) had their first meetings. These established club structures and provided great opportunities for members to ask questions and brainstorm activities together.

Speaking of club activities, several have already hosted Weekend Activities early in the year. By scheduling activities on weekends, clubs are able to use part of the weekend activities budget on their meetings. This included buying pizza and cinnamon twists for You Belong With Us’ listening party of the new album Midnights, to the Volleyball Club setting up volleyball nets with food for students to enjoy on the VI Form Quad!

The truth is, clubs are an integral part of the St. Mark’s student experience. From nature walks with the Wildlife Club to karaokes with You Belong With Us, there’s plenty to do with clubs at St. Mark’s. So keep an eye on your email and go to meetings, they’ll make fun and special experiences that you won’t soon forget.